Wednesday, July 20, 2011

These pics are of us at our local 4th celebration.  Elise had fun with her glow necklace and really enjoyed the fireworks.

Hey everyone.  I hope you all had a great 4th of July weekend, and have been staying cool during this amazing heat wave.  It's weird that we live in hot Florida and have cooler weather that most of our relatives up north.  Elise continues to do great with her progress in eating.  She is trying new foods and eating more of the ones she likes.  Her speech is also improving, and we hope will take off like her eating has.  She is becoming more confident in her speech which helps when she is trying to tell us what she wants, or even just trying to have a conversation.  I am now 27 weeks pregnant and had my monthly check up yesterday.  Everything went really well and the baby's heartbeat sounded great.  We are down to the last 3 months and are getting really excited.  We have narrowed our name choices down to a few a each gender, and hope to have one picked out for each by the time the baby comes.  Our little dog Mable had surgery on Monday.  She finally got spayed (which is the equivalent of a human getting a hysterectomy) at the University Vet here in Gainesville where she was monitored by anesthesiologists during the procedure due to her heart murmur.  It will take  her a good two weeks to heal and be back to normal.  We are glad that she finally had the surgery and can avoid any future complications that come with female dogs having heat cycles at older ages.  I hope you all have a great two weeks and we love you all!

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

On the Plane to Mo.
Playing with her new trucks with Great Aunt Debbie

New Trucks!
Playing outside at Great Grandma Eleanor's house.

Playing trains with Great Grandma Mary, and Mimi.

Playing ball out at the Gun Range with Papa, Nana, and Uncle Brad.

Playing at the park with Papa Drennan.

Playing trucks with Great Uncle Don.
Lounging at the pool.

At SDC with Nana and my cousins.

Hey everyone. We had a great trip home to Missouri. That's why I didn't post for awhile cause I saw so many of you while we were home.  Elise has been eating really well over the last month, and has gained one of the three pounds her doctors wants her to gain by October!  She is doing well trying new foods, and of course loves chicken nuggets! We were SO busy while we were home, we were at someone's house everyday! Plus we went to SDC, and spent time out at my parents Gun Range. We really enjoyed seeing everyone, and can't wait to see you all again! Love you all!