Saturday, August 20, 2011

Elise wanted her turn at paddling.  This was our first stop at Poe springs.

Swimming with daddy in the warmer water of the river instead of the always frigged 71 degree springs.

Having our lunch at Rum Springs.  You can see the clear turquoise waters of the spring behind us, and where it meets the tea colored river water to the left.

This is Ginnie springs.  You can see how clear the spring water is behind us.
Sorry for my late postings lately.  We have all been doing well.  I'm 31 weeks, and feeling great.  We are close enough that we are starting to get excited and a little nervous.  We took Elise on her first canoe float trip last weekend.  She really had a great time, and so did we.  Jason's best friend Zac drove up and so the boys paddled while Elise and I sat in the middle of the canoe.  There are several natural springs along the way that we stopped at and played and swam.  It was a beautiful day and we really had a great time.  My Mom comes to visit this week and we have a lot planned so hopefully will have some good pictures for the next blog too.

Friday, August 5, 2011

Hello Everyone!  Hope you all have had a great couple of weeks.  We have been crazy busy with playdates and activities.  Elise continues to do well with eating and speech.  She really likes to play dress up, as you can see in the pictures above.  She has also moved into a toddler bed and completely out of her crib!  Which means we won't have to buy another crib for the new little one.  I'm now in my 29th week and feeling large!  I feel great, it's just I can feel the extra weight and ever growing belly.  I'll have Jason take a profile picture of me for the next post since I haven't done any yet.  Jason is working hard everyday, so we try to get out and enjoy his few days off each month.  Not a whole lot else going on with us.  I hope all of you in the heat are doing ok.  Love you all!  Kristin