Monday, December 19, 2011

Merry Christmas everyone!!  This is Elise helping decorate the tree a few weeks ago.

Elise decided to color all over her arms and legs, she was pretty proud of herself.  Thank goodness for washable markers.

Elise started taking self portraits of herself with the camera.  This one turned out the best.

My Dad and Claire at our beach condo last week.

We had an early Christmas with my parents at the condo.

My Mom with Claire.

Elise reading our on the deck of the condo.  You can see how close the water is in the background.

Claire barely squeezed into one of Elise's suits from when she was an infant.

These are Florida's version of snowmen.

Hey everyone.  This last picture was my favorite I took while we were walking on the beach.  I hope you all have some good plans for Christmas this weekend.  We will visit my cousins (Elise's Godmother) in Orlando for the day, then be here for Christmas morning so Santa can bring Elise her gifts.  We have had a great month.  And had a really great vacation week at the beach last week.  Claire is growing like a weed on steroids and smiles all the time.  She is now starting to laugh and really coo well.  Elise is accepting her sister more and more each day.  We miss everyone back home and really wish we could have made it there this Christmas, so hopefully we can save up and come home next year.  I hope you all have a great Christmas and a safe New Years.  Love you all!