Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Elise is finally accepting her sister, "sha-sha", and loves holding her and taking pictures with her.

We took a trip to Orlando and Claire got her first trip to Disney and her first Mickey ears thanks to Leslie and Joel.

My Aunt Mary and cousin Katie and family came to Orlando too.

Plus my Aunt Eva came too.

We got to see the last night of the Christmas lights at Hollywood studios.  They were amazing, and Elise and Claire really loved them!

Well Elise has had a great couple of weeks.  She seems to have grown up so much just in a few weeks.  She is now potty trained after the 4th try in the past year.  It just seemed to click this time, plus it was a full moon, which my Mom was told is the best time to potty train your kid.  Coincidence????? Maybe.  She has also started going to preschool two days a week.  It's an in-home preschool with four other families.  We each take turns teaching so everyone gets a break and everyone teaches.  I was worried about her separation anxiety, but she is doing extremely well.  Claire continues to grow and gets cuter everyday.  She loves to laugh and smile, and is getting better at sitting up.  I tried to upload a video of her but I still can't get this website to accept the video, so I posted it on youtube, here's the link http://youtu.be/7UiioralMq8  I'll post again in a couple weeks.  Love you all!

Monday, January 2, 2012

Well I hope everyone had a great Christmas and a safe new year.  We spent Christmas Eve at my cousins Leslie and Joel's house, and saw my Aunt Eva and Uncle Rick as well as Joel's parents.  Christmas day Elise had a blast opening her presents.  Santa brought her books, a barbie, and of course more cars.  Claire is doing really well.  We weighed her on Christmas day and she was 15lbs, 13oz.  So I'm sure by now she is 16 or more.  She is such a chunk, and SOOOO cute!!  She's going through the 3 months hair loss on top of her head just like Elise did, and can almost sit up in her Bumbo seat.  She smiles all the time and loves to laugh.  We stayed home as a family for New Years which was nice to just be in pj's when the ball dropped.  The weather here has been absolutely beautiful in the upper 70's and low 80's.  Although it's hard to get in the Christmas mood cause it's so warm we are enjoying everyday until we move back to cold winters in Missouri.  I'll post again in a couple weeks, love you all!