So my last post I think I did while asleep, because I forgot so many things that happened and pictures! Leslie and Joel came to visit while my Mom was in town a few weeks ago.
Elise played dress up with Claire. She is wearing a pink feathered princess crown (upside down) and has the wand in front of her.
Elise let me pull her hair back into a ponytail for like 5 minutes, she looks so cute with her hair pulled out of her face.
I left the girls in Claire's room and came back to find Elise reading to her sister. I snuck these pictures from behind the door. How cute!!!
Elise made it in a Calender. Our local greyhound rescue group, Goldcoast Greyhounds, publishes a calender each year and I submitted some pictures and this one was chosen for January.
Claire has started on solids (baby food) and this is her happy to be eating rice cereal.
And then she decided to chew on the side of her bumbo seat.
I took the girls to Busch Gardens to let Elise play in the kids area. She had a great time in the water and the tree house below.
Claire was happy to be there too. We watched a Sesame street show and as you can see by the picture below both girls loved it. They really look like sisters in the picture below.
So I was running around the house cleaning the other week and walked through the living room to find Elise and Amos snuggling on the couch. Amos isn't allowed on the couch, so this was a big shock. Elise loved it though.
We had a week of vacation and spent it in Juno beach Fl watching the Cardinals spring training games with Aunt Debbie and Uncle Don.
Claire fell asleep on Don's lap and slept most of the game.
The second game was really hot and a very nice woman gave Claire and I her seat so we could get her out of the sun. She gave the people around us all smiles which they all loved.
Jason got a turn sitting in the shade too.
We stopped at Sea World on our way back to Gainesville. This is the underwater viewing area for the dolphins.
And we petted some stingrays.
The next day we stopped at Busch Gardens and had another great day.
Elise thought it was funny that Claire was wearing her hat.
Claire snoozing on Daddy's chest.
The girls were happy to be back home after a long week away. Claire now has 2 teeth and is doing pretty well with eating baby foods. We weighed her a couple days ago and she weighed in at 21 1/2 pounds. She is wearing 12-18 month clothes and is only 6 months old!! What a chunker. Elise will turn 4 at the end of the month, so the next blog will be after that and have pictures of the party.