Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Nora looking cute in an outfit from Grandma Marcie. 

Mimi and Papa came for a visit last week. The girls had so much fun being with them. I'll have more pictures soon. Gary took most of the pictures, and I still need to get them from him. 

The girls were a big help yesterday while I did some yard work. Elise has been back on oxygen since Saturday. We think it's because we have been weaning her off her steroids. So we have started them back up so she can get off the oxygen, and get back to school. 
She has been doing really well in school, and keeps saying its "awesome."  Her teacher has made her a seperate lesson plan from the other kids, and says Elise is doing really well. I am so glad we found out about this school !!!!

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Fun day at Busch Gardens

We had a great day at Busch Gardens today. The weather was perfect, and the girls had a great time. 

Monday, January 6, 2014

Elise started kindergarten today. What????? That's right. We found a private school that just started a kindergarten program, so there are only 4 students. The teacher has a degree in special ed, so she will be able to work with Elise one on one. We are really excited to give this a try, and keep our fingers crossed that she doesn't get sick. 

Finally got a pretty good picture of all three girls together. 
Nora is so happy, and a really good baby. She is 3 1/2 months old now. She smiles, laughs, and coo's all the time. 
We went to the beach in December with my parents the week before Christmas. The weather was cool the first part of the week, but was warm enough to swim by the end of the week. The girls had a great time and really enjoyed feeding the birds, and then chasing them away. 
We also took a trip to Disney in December with Leslie and Joel. 

The girls had a great Christmas. For some reason we didn't take any pictures of them opening gifts this year. I think we were enjoying watching them open them so much, we forgot to take pictures. Oh well. 
Elise is doing well. We have her taking steroids to help improve her lung function, and it seems to be working well. She has more energy than I have ever seen. She plays basketball and soccer on our back porch, and chases her sister around all day. It's really been a great month for her. 
Claire is also doing well. She wants to do anything Elise does. We changed her from her crib to a toddler bed this week, and so far it's going well. She is talking up a storm, and says new words almost everyday. 
Jason and I are just plugging right along with our daily routines. He is enjoying his fellowship, and we are anxiously waiting to see what will happen next. We still aren't sure what he will do after the fellowship ends. 
Hope you all are having a great New Years. My resolution is to post on the of more often. We'll see how that goes!