Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Mo trip, Mo pictures!!

So here are over 100 pics of our trip to Mo.  Enjoy!

The girls really enjoyed riding in the golf cart around my parents neighborhood.
Nora learned how to pull herself up while we were there.

Nora with Papa Gary and Great Grandpa Drennan.

My brother with the girls at the ponds in my parents neighborhood.
My good friend, Leslie, came up from Dallas with her kids Jack and Peyton. 

We went to Great Grandma Eleanor's, had some great food, and the girls had a really good time exploring the big front yard Grandma Marcie and Aunt Debbie and Uncle Don.

Grandma showing the girls a rabbit in the yard.


My favorite picture of the bunch.

More bubbles!!!

Snoozing on Papa Butch's lap.

Doing Mimi's hair.

Great Grandma Mary and Nora.
Nothing beats running in your undies through the sprinkler.

Nora had her baptism, and family flew in from all over!  We had such a great time.

Nora's Godfather, Todd.

My cousin Katie and I went to shoot at my families gun range.

Nora's Godmother, Katie.

Nora's baptism.

We went to a Springfield Cardinals baseball game after Nora's baptism.  GO CARDS!!

We went to Silver Dollar City for a day with Jason's aunt Debbie, and sister Christy and her kids.

Dad took Elise fishing.  I love this picture too.

Goin' fishing.

I took the girls to a farm to see some animals and play. 

You can't play in the sprinkler without an umbrella.

I got to see my college roommate and her kids while I was home too.

Took the girls to play putt putt too.

And here is the stroller loaded down on our trip home.  The dogs were so happy to see the girls, and the girls were so happy to sleep in their beds.  My mom flew home with me and will fly back Wed.  I couldn't have made this trip without her.  We spent almost a month in Springfield, and really enjoyed everyday.