Friday, October 31, 2014

The girls enjoying a bedtime snack together. Such a cute memory that I don't ever want to forget. 

So here is Nora at age 12 months. 

And Claire at 12 months at the same park. 

Elise started Girl Scouts. She doesn't understand what it is yet, but seemed to enjoy being with all the girls. 

Elise, Nora, and Claire. 

Nora trying to sit in the chair by herself. She just forgot to pull out the chair first. Haha!

So we took the girls trick or treating three different times this week so they could get some good practice. The first was Sunday at a pumpkin patch. 

Surprise surprise, Elise is Spider-Man. 

Nora thought the object was to pick up every pumpkin, no matter how big. 

Elise helping Nora down the slide. 

Took the girls to eat at firehouse subs. They loved the hats. 

Elise and her classmates all dressed up at school. 

Our second trick or treat was last night on the UF campus at the sororities. It started to rain on us just as we started. So we hurried through each stop getting soaked along the way. 

Well, not all of us got soaked. 

And then today we went to "boo at the zoo." It was perfect for the girls because it was early in the day, and then we went home and handed out our extra candy to kids at the house. The girls were so excited to have people come to the house and give them candy. 

Shriek and princess Fiona. 

We got preliminary reports back on Elise's biopsy, but are now waiting to hear from her pulmonologist on the severity of the disease and figure out what to do next. The initial pathology report showed interstitial fibrosis. Which is scaring of the lung tissue making oxygen exchange difficult. You can google "interstitial fibrosis" and finds lots of information on it. We'll let you guys know when we find out more. 

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Claire has started gymnastics once a week. I won a free month trial. She really liked the first day. 

Claire enjoying a little library time. 

Elise lost another tooth, and her too front teeth are loose as well. 

The girls love to play with bubbles when I make dish water. 

Nora went to her first parade Friday. It was UF's homecoming parade. 

Albert and Alberta. 

Nora clapped anytime someone else did. It was so cute. 

Sleepy girl. 

Another sleepy girl. 

So we are still waiting to hear back about Elise's test results. I'll let everyone know when we find out. 

Monday, October 13, 2014

Claire is three! She had two birthday celebrations. The first one was on her birthday. We took her out to eat at red robin. 

Free birthday ice cream sundae. 

Elise loves our new foster dog, Ellie. She is a senior greyhound who is really sweet. 

Nora has decided that now that she is one year old she can no longer crawl. It's so cute!  She toddles around the house now. 

Claire's second birthday celebration was on Monday at the park with her friends and my Mom. 

Cupcake decorating. 

A big girl bike was her big gift. 

Nana and the girls decorated pumpkins. 

Elise had her lung biopsy surgery on Tuesday last week. Everything went better than expected. She was discharged home on wed., and went back to school today. Now we are waiting to get the pathology report back from Texas children's hospital in Houston. They have some doctors that are well known for their expertise in interstitial lung disease. Will let you know when we hear back from them. 

On a somber note, we had to say goodbye to our beloved Mable on Saturday. She was 11 years old and is greatly missed. I have never met such a sweet, loving dog. I know she is now snuggling and playing with Macy, Peanut, and Lulu. She has left a Mable size hole in my heart. For such a small dog, she left a big impression to everyone she ever met. I love you Mable.