Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Nora met Santa for the first time this year. She did really good. 
This is as close as Elise and Claire got. They showed him their lists. 

Then we mailed their Christmas lists to Santa. 
This is Nora's "I'm so cute you'll let me play in the dog water, right mom?" Look. 
Leslie and Joel stopped by on their way to Joel's parents to give the girls their gifts. 
Elise LOVES her new legos. 

And Claire got new frozen goodies from her god mommy Samantha. 
This was Nora's first real puddle playtime. She loved it. I had to carry her away crying because she didn't want to stop playing. 

I think the puddle won. 
The girls made their cookies for Santa. 

Christmas morning. 

We had great weather. Perfect for afternoon strolls. 

Nora wants to do everything herself these days. Even walk the dogs like her big sisters. 
We went to Cedar Key. We rode golf carts around the island, and got some great photos of the girls. 

They got a bubble machine from Great Grandma Mary, and had a ball with it. We ran out of bubbles in no time. 
Nora does everything her sisters do. It's just so cute. 

Thursday, December 18, 2014

The girls are really getting into the Christmas spirit. They want their picture taken with every decoration they see. This tree was at a Mexican restaurant. 

This is Claire's new Christmas dress. She couldn't wait until Christmas to wear it. She couldn't even wait to get home. 
Cute pic of Nora coloring. 

More smiles with decorations. 
Nora doesn't like the idea. 
We went to Busch gardens last weekend. 

Nora met her first characters. She gave them high fives. 

On a side note, a friend of mine from k.c. Was on the price is right and won the showcase showdown. It was so fun watching someone I knew win the whole shebang. 
This was Elise's school Christmas party. 

Nora really wants to be like her big sisters. She instists on walking the dogs just like them. 
Like I said, they pose in front of every decoration. 
Elise has gotten several Christmas cards from other kids with pulmonary hypertension. She thinks it's pretty cool that there are other kids like her that wear oxygen and take medicines.