Friday, May 18, 2012

 We were in Houston over the weekend visiting my cousin Todd and his wife Xochy and baby Korbyn who was baptised on Mothers Day.  We were also there for Jason to have an interview for a fellowship at Texas Heart Institute.  We won't find out about the fellowship for several weeks still, but he was really impressed with the facilities.

 My Uncle Rick did a great job sitting with the girls while we all got ready.
 Claire is always happy to see her Nana.
 This is my Mom's sister, Eva.  She is Korbyn's Grandma.

 Claire and Korbyn are 3 months apart in age.

 Jason did some babysitting while Xochy and I went and got some mother's day pampering.  Looks like they did some silly dancing.

 Claire is doing really well eating.  She loves all the new flavors.
 And Elise loves to help feed her too!
So I hope you all had a great Mother's day.  I sure did.  Thank you Xochy and Todd for treating me to my mani/pedi and massage!!!  And thank you Jason for watching the girls so I could go!  Things are going well around here.  Elise continues to improve on her speech, and Claire is sitting up on her own getting closer and closer to crawling everyday.  She has now gotten her two front teeth on top, and so I'll get some pictures of those as soon as they are showing enough.  Love to you all!  Kristin


  1. Glad you had a fun mothers day, sounds very relaxing. I will be waiting to hear were Jason's fellowship will be. Glad he like the program, but it was bound to be good everything is better in Texas ;-) I know Houston's not Dallas but would be excited for you to be closer. Have a great weekend!

  2. These pictures are great! So glad you guys had a good trip. Hate we missed it.

