Monday, October 7, 2013

Things are still going well. Nora is a good baby and is eating, and growing well. We are all trying to soak up every second of her since she is our last, and they grow so fast. Claire had her second birthday party on Sat., and Elise went roller skating for the first time last week. 


  1. Love the pics & news. Wish I was there - hope to visit soon! Grandma Marcie

  2. Congratulations, Kristin! I am so happy for you! She is just beautiful! How come she isn't all squooshed up like all the other new babies! There not supposed to be THAT cute at first!
    Here's my blog if you want to check in - we are in Europe for 9 weeks, the kids and I. Both kids have one too-if you are interested, let me know...but I'm guessing your plate is quite full! Enjoy that baby!!! -Mara
